Glasgow SEO company

Glasgow SEO company

If you are searching for a way to reach the first page of Google’s search results, the way to get there is through search engine optimization.

Google, in addition to the other search engines, would like your website to be optimised in specific ways so that they know exactly what your pages are all about. In turn that helps the search engines display relevant results for what searchers are looking for. Websites that are optimized the best have the greatest chance of obtaining that No. 1 position in the search results. We provide SEO services that can help you reach the top positions in the search results and as close as possible to the No. 1 spot. We are able to do this through implementing SEO strategies that are white hat and Google friendly. We also keep current on all search engine algorithm changes.

Glasgow SEO CompanyThe difference between the sites that show up right away on searches and those that sit unnoticed somewhere on the second page and beyond is those up top have a good SEO strategy. SEO of course stands for search engine optimization, meaning a website that is designed and set up to have the best chance of showing up in search engines when its main focus is searched for by random users browsing the internet. There isn’t one simple way to go about SEO however, a SEO strategy must be devised for each website to make sure that it can truly stand out. That is why consulting with our expert SEO firm is the most efficient way to make sure your site isn’t going to be lost in the shuffle.

Our basic approach to SEO utilizes an understanding of how to differentiate your business from any potential competition and make it seem far more attractive in the process. The site will be clean and all of its content composed with razor sharp focus. It will be designed to draw in as many visitors as possible and not only make sure that they stick around to receive your message loud and clear (and buy what you may be selling) but also make sure they want to bookmark you and come back time and time again. To do this, we cover the full spectrum of SEO for you, involving keyword research, link detoxification, link building, and all of the analytics and tracking you could possibly desire. With these tools implemented and our expertise at your disposal, your site will taken to the upper echelon of the search rankings and stay there for good.

Search engines like Google often have algorithms in place that essentially scour the internet and make sure that any with practices they do not endorse are not able to rank highly. If you spam your links or stuff your site with as many keywords as possible hoping to get to the top, you will only be receiving the reverse effect. A lot of people hear about link building and think they can just go about it without care, and they only hurt themselves in the process. The landscape of SEO may have a few simple ideals, but the means in which you need to achieve them are always adapting. Consulting with experts is the only sure way to get there. Those that go it alone might never get it right, leaving their sites to flounder for years and years without the traffic that they might deserve.

Every aspect of your website must be generated in a quality fashion and all completely above board. There is no room for cheating your way to the top. You can’t just throw any information out there and expect anyone to pick it up or care either. Being found and building an audience can take years, and some webmasters never manage to pull it off. With the help of our SEO experts, we will expedite that process for you tenfold, and your website will receive the success you’ve always dreamed of.

We are a small Glasgow SEO Company what can make a big splash, if your looking to improve your online results get intouch.

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What Does a Small Business Need to Be Found Online?

What Does a Small Business Need to Be Found Online?

I could write a book on this subject, in fact I have written a book on this subject. It’s a huge topic. The aim of this article is to show the very first step you need to take to get started on line.

  1. An optimised website.
  2. A good quality blog.
  3. Social media presence.
  4. Claim your local listings.
  5. Time to update, list, and create.

In today’s age of social media so many people seem to think they can do away with their website, Ayelet Noff for listed four great reasons why you do need a website.

1) Image is everything. And in today’s world, a company without a website is a company without a face.

2) Building your own database of – users, clients, names. What will you do if tomorrow Facebook closes your page and you are left with no database of your own? You will be lost. You must have a database of your customers.

3) Search – people today still search Google when looking for things – a hotel in Paris, a new coffee-maker, etc. You want to be high up in those Google search results when they do their searching.

4) Blogging – creating a company blog enables you to make a name for yourself in your field. Look at Mint for example and what a remarkable job they did with their blog. Their blog got so popular that it was bringing tons of traffic to their site and increasing their brand awareness.

So if you have a website do you need social media? Most definitely. Social media is the conversation to your websites public face. This is where you can connect with your customers, drive them through to your site, and with the improvements in the call to action buttons, you can now buy directly from Facebook.

Make sure that you’re in control or at least aware of everything that’s being written about your business. People will leave reviews on Yelp if you claim it or not. Make sure when people are finding you they’re reading what you want them to.

Last but not least time. Just like everything it takes time to build an online community, if you can’t afford to invest the time talk to an expert. They have the experience and tools to make it smoother and faster.

In today’s age a company that has no online presence is missing out on a huge market and opportunities. Don’t be one of those that is missing out, use BlueCat Media SEO service to help your company.

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Does SEO Matter Anymore?

No, except in a huge list of cases and for all these reasons, in fact SEO is still key to performing well online. Except what we think of as SEO is dead and buried.
Confused? Lost already? You’re not alone. Let’s go back to the basics and look at the question again.

Search Engine Optimisation has become the black magic of marketing. Some people portray the act of making your website easier to find, as being akin to brewing up a magic potion in a lair on a high mountain at winter solstice. In fact, it’s just about making it so that when people search for your product of service they find you. Making your website optimal for the search engine of choice, which is Google, for 3.5 billion searches a day, the search engine is always Google.
In simple terms SEO is getting your site as close to the top as possible. It’s about ticking all the boxes and being a better website than all your competitors as far as the Search Engines are concerned. There are the basics, such as good quality content, ensuring that customers stay on your page as long as possible and engage with the content, and that it’s obvious to the bots that are indexing your site that the information they want is on your site not your competitors.
Once upon a time SEO was about keywords, and getting more of those keywords on the page than the next person. This lead to pages filled with random junk that was barely readable, in fact on occasion it wasn’t written for humans, instead for computers to read. But as computers have improved so has the techniques to get your site up the rankings. Now SEO is in many ways a finer art, that combines the needs of the algorithm, with the words your target market is likely to be typing into the search bar.
So yes SEO still matters, but it’s no longer something that can be done with guess work and good luck. Someone optimising your site will know how to have the content you need created, the social media links added, the positive reviews placed so that people and bots can find them. Beyond that the page titles, breaks, even the descriptions of the images are all key parts of your site. Don’t waste your time putting money and effort into a page that hides away on the second page.

Read Full Article Here: Does SEO Matter Anymore?

Getting on the 1st page of Google in 2016

People rarely bother to click through to the next page of results. In fact, here’s a few figures to have a think about. 75% of people never go past the first page of search result. But don’t think that the paid adverts are swaying this number. Eye tracking studies show that we focus on the organic results, and some of the adverts are ignored by 3 quarters of the people in the study.
There is not one way that Google recommends to get on the front page. There are hundreds of hints and tips that SEO and other marketers will use to tweak the search results, but there is one key point where it all starts.
Create stuff your target market wants to view. Think of the web like a media store, and Google the shop assistant. A customer walks in and asks for a particular book, magazine, or video and the shop assistant goes off to find the best possible product in the store. This is Googles aim; the idea is that when someone searches for something the algorithm finds the best possible match for them.
This may sound painfully simple, but there is an art to the creation of great content.
Step 1.
Keep it on topic. Nothing will make a customer, and Google turn away, faster than something that they didn’t come to look at. Make sure that topic draws in your target market.

Step 2.
Make sure it’s correct. Factually, grammatically, how it’s situated. An incorrect article, or a badly spelled opening paragraph can get customers leaving as fast as they came, and Google records this.

Step 3.
Forget less is more, more is more, and it still might not be enough. You need to be updating your page as often as possible. Added to that a well-researched, in-depth article that offers real value to the customer will keep them reading. A customer that stays on your page and interacts shows Google that your site is the one to offer to the next customer. In 2016 the reader wants long form content, rather than soundbites.

Step 4.
Get it out there via other channels. Yes, you are looking for good results from Google, but if you have traffic from other sources this is a form of social proof to the computers that are choosing who next to show to the searcher.
Getting on the front page is no easy task, and don’t be ashamed to ask for help. We’ve looked at just the first step in becoming visible online. Investing in your online presence is as important as your location and shop front for many businesses.

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Getting Your Social Media Sorted for 2016

New year fresh start. Time for you to review what happened in 2015 and work out where you are going in 2016. Except with so many avenues and the huge variety of social media platforms it can be overwhelming to try and sort out your strategy.

In 2015 the trends were in video, an area that we know will continue growing, and Influence marketing. For 2016 these areas are areas to make sure you’re strong in, but just as importantly don’t forget the basics. So here are our top three areas to be concerned about in social media marketing for the next 12 months.


Organic reach, methods of getting likes and shares just by posting good quality content, may not be dead, but its not doing particularly well. This isn’t to say you should be leaving Facebook. In fact, with the amount of data the site has targeted advertising is a great method for getting new customers and reinforcing the connection with present customers. The key area here is not to waste your money. If you’re not confident with Facebook advertising get someone in who knows how to get you the most return on your investment. This really is an area were paying an expert can save you money in the short term and make you money in the medium to long term.

Jason DeMers writing on Forbes has a key area to focus in on when it comes to Facebook in 2016.

Buy buttons will take over. Facebook and Pinterest are just two of the platforms that gained attention this year by introducing new “buy” features for their advertisers and users. Mobile users of Facebook and Pinterest who see a product they like in a sponsored post can now use one click to purchase it, without ever leaving the app. Instagram isn’t far behind on the trend, and I imagine more social platforms will follow. By the end of 2016, most major social media brands will feature some kind of buy button naturally as an element of their advertising campaigns.



Ease back on the scheduled posts in 2016. Instead hand over all the regular updates and the stuff you can arrange in advance to a social media consultant. Why? Firstly, because organic reach is so competitive you need it to be the best, but most importantly you need to be focusing on In-the-moment updates. People want to feel that they are experiencing your business updates as they happen. Remember that you are building a brand, not advertising and you can’t go wrong.

Speaking of In-the-moment updates, Periscope is being touted as the next big thing. But walk softly here, this truly instant method of updating your followers needs to be thought through. If you take this route take professional advice, and don’t try and do too much.

Establish the culture of your brand on social media

Google isn’t dying, no matter how many article state it is, but here’s a key fact. More than 88% of consumers are influenced by other consumers’ online comments. Customers are also starting searches in places such as YouTube, Pinterest and also in apps directly.

What does this mean for you and your brand? It means that before you do a single thing you need to reaffirm your key message. What is your ethos and what makes you the business that customers should be turning to? Now this is what you need to be saying via your social media.

The one thing you need in 2016

We all have busy days, busy weeks, in fact here’s hoping that 2016 is so busy for you that social media is the last thing you need to be worried about. Yet the window into your world for the vast majority of your customers comes via your social media. You need to be consistent. If you are in any doubt that you won’t be updating daily, weekly or monthly work with a professional that will be able to keep your customers coming back for more.


Article Source Here: Getting Your Social Media Sorted for 2016